Oral presentation
The meeting room is equipped with digital projector, screen & laptop, and we kindly ask the speakers to submit their powerpoint presentations 30 minutes before the start of their section. You may use your own laptops for the presentation and/or demonstration, but we cannot guarantee technical support for your own devices. Please let us know if you need any other special requirements or software’s to be installed in the podium laptop.
Keynote speakers have 20 minutes for their talk.
Speakers have 10 minutes for their presentations, plus 5 minutes for Q&A session (this will be timed by the session chair).
Guidelines for E-Poster Presentation:
The Posters will be projected electronically ( in PDF form ) in the poster session area. E-poster abstract will be published in abstract book proceedings.
Instructions for poster preparation:
1. Use the template (power point) and enter your results.
2. Save in pdf format.
3. Send the document to email: ecim2018@almamater.si . Deadline for submissions of posters is: 5 September 2018. The organizer cannot guarantee that posters, received after this date, can still be displayed at the congress.
Attendance certificates:
All the delegates will be provided with attendance certificates, signed by the congress presidents. Name and affiliation on the certificates will be printed on certificates as per our records. For any changes or requests regarding the certification— please contact us by September 01, 2018. We cannot guarantee changes of later requests.